Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas in Bolivia

With 90-100 degree weather, lack of Christmas decorations and traditions, it did not feel much like the Christmas season this year.  With only a few days until Christmas we decided to find ourselves a tree.
After searching through palm and fig trees, we finally found the perfect tree!

I chopped it down.  Apparently artificial pine trees grow in Bolivia, who knew?

We lugged it home through the snow... uh... I mean sand.

Okay, so actually we found the tree abandoned in the mission mail room.  Due to our lack of ornaments, we had to go Little House on the Prairie on it and strung popcorn.  It didn't look half bad!

Noah sure enjoyed his first Christmas.

Especially eating the paper

"Okay so the dog is nice, but what did you do with the wrapping paper? I wasn't finished eating it!"

We may not have had snow, but I bet none of you went out back to pick the Christmas Watermelon!

Our family grew a little this Christmas.  Jenna got me a Blue Winged Parotlet!

It was a wonderful, quiet Christmas with our little family.  The only problem we had was a small plumbing issue in the bathroom

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