Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Baby Bureaucracy - Part I

How to get a Bolivian Birth Certificate:
1. Return to the hospital and ask
2. Be told to go home for different ID
3. Return to hospital to receive form
4. Go to Notary only to be told to go to the Department of Health
5. Go to Department of Health to have form stamped
6. Go back to notary to be told I need my wife and two witnesses along with their IDs
7. Find witnesses and return to notary to sign and thumb print all kinds of papers
8. Be told to come back at the end of the day
9. Return to notary to receive birth certificate only to find he was registered as a she
10. Go back the next day to get corrected certificates

This was just the first step, now on to Bolivian ID and Passport then US Passport, birth certificate, and SS card.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
