Sunday, December 6, 2009

Election Day: Trapped!

So you have probably had school canceled, work canceled, maybe even had your city shut down, but how about your whole country? Today is election day, and for 24 hours, everything is shut down. Alcohol, meeting in groups (including church), and driving vehicles are all banned for the 24 hour period. There is nothing to do but hang out at home or go out and vote.

As you probably guessed, elections are a big deal here. The differences in political parties here make the Democrats and Republicans look like best friends. Whatever the outcome could mean large changes for the country. We personally do not know enough about the politics to presume to know what result would be best for the people of Bolivia. We can only pray for the best.

1 comment:

Rebi said...

We should be thankful, eh? The wrath of Rebekah and Rex is nothing:)
Praying for y'all, girl. Take care of yourself and get lots of sleep!