Thursday, February 19, 2009

Caimitos, Mamey Sapote, y un Colibrí

We have settled into a routine here at language school. I have been learning a lot and I am beginning to gain some confidence speaking Spanish, even though I speak like a 3 year old. I am finally back to full health. My last post said I was almost better, well that was right before I had a relapse. After a visit to the hospital for a chest x-ray I found out I had walking pneumonia. At this point I was looking pretty bad and had lost a bit of weight. After a course of medication I am back on my feet, bounding up stairs and chasing lizards. It is amazing how much you appreciate feeling normal after a long period of sickness.

Next weekend we are going on our first big excursion out of the city. Yes I know, how sad is that, almost two months in Costa Rica and all we have done is hang around town. We are going to spend a weekend on the coast up in the northwest region of the country. I cannot wait to get out of the city!

Each weekend there is a "feria" (farmers market) that I really enjoy going to and checking out all the local produce. It is great Spanish practice for me to talk to the vendors and learn about the variety of produce. I love trying new fruits that most of the students here are too afraid to try. I might try setting up a little tropical fruit workshop for the students here to help demistify some of these amazing fruits. This past week we tried Caimito/Star Apple (in the photos) and Mamey Sapote. I thought both were delicious fruits. The Caimito had a very mild, flowery flavor with hints of persimon. The Mamey Sapote is a bit harder to describe. It was kind of like a cross between sweet potato and pear with hints of carrot.

If you go early in the morning to la feria, you will be the only gringo (person from the USA) there among lots of Ticos (Costa Ricans). Later in the morning there is a funny shift, most of the Tico shoppers have left and there are mostly Gringos shopping. I guess we just like our Saturday morning sleep-in more than the getting the best produce.

Last night we had a visitor, a tiny little visitor. A bright green colibrí (hummingbird) flew into the house. I must admit I took great joy in catching the little thing. It was so small and delicate, it is amazing that they can move so fast. They are not easy to hold onto either! God has so many cool creatures out there, I love any opportunity to get up close to one.

One thing that has been fun about being a part of the community here is the diversity of skill people bring and the opportunities to share or exchange these skills. Jenna has been offering her hair cutting skills, much to the delight of many of the women here. Recently we have had a lot of computer problems so Jenna traded hair cuts for computer repairs from a tech savey missionary. I think I like this bartering system better than money, well it is atleast more fun.

1 comment:

CNY Kitchen Mama said...

We are so glad to hear you are "back on your feet", Jason.

How is it that you are the ONLY, ONLY, ONLY person I know that can catch wild BIRDS freehand? I guess I understand your ability to catch/trap lizards, reptiles and other herpes but the BIRDS is just amazing to me. I think you just know how to speak "BIRD", right?

Jenna, how come you never gave ME a haircut? :-)

The fruit/vegetable selections look amazing.

Love- Mom