Ahhh a week of rest. Last week brought to conclusion our first half of language school. I can't believe we are halfway done already! On Friday Jason and I attended graduation where about 50 of our fellow classmates graduated, ready to move on to their assigned country. It made me very eager to finish our time here and move on to Bolivia. It was very encouraging and exciting to see all these missionaries ready and excited to head out to follow God's calling in their lives.
This week is a bit eclectic in our plans. We are finishing settling into our new apartment. We rearranged our kitchen and living room. It's such a wonderful thing to have our own space again, our own kitchen (even if it means we have to do dishes!), and a little extra privacy. Our neighbors are another student couple without children and on the other side is a lovely Tica lady with her Panamanian husband. We live just a short walk from school, which is very nice as well. Check out the video we've attached for a short tour of our new place!
As for our mini break from school, we plan on relaxing, getting random errands done, maybe spend a day at a volcano, and we get to head back to the US to visit! Yay! Due to complications with plane tickets once we decided to extend our time here we now are planning on spending a couple of days in the states to get our stuff from Florida and take it back to PA and NY and renew our visas. (Costa Rica allows a 90 day tourist visa + a one month extension, and after that you have to leave the country for at least 3 days and then you can return). So, lots happening and lots going on before classes begin again. But until then, I get to sleep in tomorrow. :-)